Ain’t nothin’ says TEXAS like good BBQ! That’s the cornerstone of the Winkler Masonic Lodge’s annual fundraiser, scheduled this year for Saturday, May 25th.

The fundraiser makes possible the presentation of four $1,000 scholarships each year to graduating seniors at Fairfield High School. “It’s a blessing beyond measure to be able to help these youngsters get a good start in life through continuing education,” said Paul Lopez, scholarship coordinator of the Winkler Lodge. “Each year we receive notes back from students telling us how much this gift has meant to them.”

Along with delicious BBQ meals, hot dogs and fixin’s are available for purchase. In addition, folks can purchase beautiful desserts created by area bakers at the Bake Sale portion of the event.

The Lodge will also kick off its annual gun raffle at the BBQ event. As always, there will be a shotgun, a rifle, and a handgun for some lucky winners. Raffle tickets are $20 each or three for $50. The drawing will be held during a Lodge meeting on October 22nd. You need not be present to win.

The Winkler Masonic Lodge is located at 9986 FM 416, east of Streetman or almost 6.8 miles west of the 488/416 intersection. The event opens at 10 a.m. and continues until about 3 p.m. or until all the BBQ is sold. Everyone is invited to participate.

“Gather the family and some friends and come on out to our event,” said Secretary Milton Kornegay. “Purchase a cake or pie or batch of cookies, enjoy a great BBQ lunch, and enjoy a couple hours of fun and fellowship, while you help us raise money for our scholarship program.”