This proposed amendment will appear on your ballot for the November 7, 2023 Constitutional Amendment Election as follows: “The constitutional amendment authorizing the 88th Legislature to provide a cost-of-living adjustment to certain annuitants of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.”

According to the Office of the Texas Secretary of State, this amendment is explained by saying it “proposes a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to provide a cost-of-living adjustment to eligible annuitants of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS). The proposed amendment also would authorize the legislature to appropriate money from the general revenue fund to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts to pay the cost-of-living adjustment.”

Most of you have already read the better explanations and appeals from the three previous writers to the Editor from members of Freestone County Retired Teachers Association. I, too, am a member and a retiree of 37 years in the classroom…23 of those in Freestone County. I urge you to consider the following vital points before voting:

–Prop 9 will not create a tax increase; the Legislature has already set aside the necessary funds, but voter approval is needed to release these funds.

–Prop 9 will provide the first COLA (cost-of-living adjustment) since 2004 for 420,000 TRS annuitants. That’s 70% of TRS retirees.

–Prop 9 will increase the average monthly annuity payment of $2,174 that TRS members receive. More than 140,000 now live on $1,000/month or less…many of our oldest retirees.

–Most retired public school retirees are not eligible to receive federal Social Security payments.

–In fiscal year 2022 in Freestone County, TRS retirees contributed $16.2 million to the local economy.

–Prop 9 received a unanimous vote in the 2023 Texas Legislature.

–Prop 9 will express your appreciation to the teachers, administrators, secretaries, counselors, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, educational aides, school nurses, librarians, cleaning staff, and maintenance workers who altogether made your education possible.

Thank you for your support…please vote for Prop 9.

Lola Myers
Freestone County