Texans for Lawsuit Reform (TLR) last week issued the following statement regarding Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial:

“TLR had nothing to do with the House investigation of Ken Paxton and did not even know of its existence until the House General Investigating Committee’s public hearing on May 24, 2023. Any assertions otherwise are a blatant attempt to distract from the facts of the articles of impeachment.

There is an ongoing effort underway to intimidate the Senators into abandoning their constitutional obligations and acquitting Paxton before the trial even begins and the evidence has been presented. These efforts are disrespectful of the constitutional impeachment process and insulting to the integrity of the Texas Senate.

Texans deserve a trial and outcome based on the factual presentation and consideration of evidence. TLR expects the Senate will conduct a fair, open and thorough trial and that each Senator will make her or his decision solely on the evidence presented.”