2022 TCDLA Declaration Readings

“Every year we gather together, across the State of Texas and beyond, to read the Declaration of Independence on the courthouse steps in order to remind those that seek to do injustice that we are here to defiantly stand in their way.”

For many years, members of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (TCDLA) have organized local public readings of the Declaration of Independence just before July 4 across this great state. The founder of this 13-year old tradition is Robert Fickman of Houston.

On Friday, July 1, 2022 local attorneys (at top) Raymond Sanders and Michell Latray conducted their reading in front of the Freestone County courthouse in Fairfield, Texas.

This year marks the 246th anniversary of this great document.

The symbolic gesture may mean something different to each of the folks that read. However, regardless of political and social backgrounds, TCDLA members all read to protect the rights and liberties that they hold dear and that they fight to defend each and every day.

“TCDLA recognizes the Declaration of Independence as the bedrock document that not only liberated the colonies but eventually led to the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the American rule of law – concepts criminal defense lawyers use every day to protect individual liberties in courthouses across the land,” said TCDLA Past-President Kerri nderson-Donica.

These readings are a reminder to all in the criminal justice system that abuses of power will be exposed and fought by members of the defense bar.


Pictured at top:  Reading the Declaration of Independence are attorneys Raymond Sanders and Michell Latray. (Photo by Natalia V. Marsters)