by Jan Fielden

Feeding cows in the cold rain with the wind blowing so hard you think it is going to blow you off the tractor, is not my idea of a fun time! Cows have to be fed no matter what and of course as I have stated before, our cows, Beagles, and Sundance are all pampered.

So I dressed as warm as I could…you know, where you put on everything you can think of and it is hard to get the zipper to your coat to work, plus you can hardly move. I just knew if I fell down I wouldn’t be able to get up. So, off I started and lo and behold, so did the cold rain start. It felt as if it was sleet but it probably wasn’t. After the first hay bale, the rain let up and actually came to a stop for about 10 minutes. I had already started off for the second bale when the rain started coming down so hard, I had so much water on my glasses I had to look over the top of them to see where I was going.

Managing to get three bales out for the Middle Herd, I picked up the fourth bale to take to the Yearling Herd in the Yearling Pasture. When I got down there, there sat a perfectly good bale that I had taken to them two days before. It had not been touched at all. I was so mad I told myself I would not take them another bale until every bit of the two bales were eaten. Of course, I knew I would take them a bale the very next feeding day. As I said our animals are pampered at the Red Oak Ranch.