Freestone County voters got to know several of the candidates who will appear on this year’s ballots for the March 1, 2022 Primary Elections.
Early Voting has already gotten underway, and will continue through next week. (Click here to find out What’s On Your Ballot)

This was the third Candidate Forum hosted by the Freestone County Retired Teachers Association. The event was held Thursday, February 10th at the Fairfield High School cafeteria.

Justice of the Peace – Pct. 2

Citing a twenty-two year career in human resources, candidate Tammy Ramsey told voters that she was a good listener and knew how to resolve conflicts. She promised to be impartial in her treatment of those coming before the court, and ended with “God Bless the USA.”

Kristina Capp Flannery spoke of her job as Chief Clerk for the Precinct 1 – Justice of the Peace as being the best training for the elected position she seeks.

She discussed answering calls after hours, as well as researching and studying on regulations needed for the job.

“You cannot create experience, you must undergo it,” she said, promising to be honest and work hard for her constituents.

County Commissioner – Pct. 4

Born and raised in the precinct, candidate Adam Minze said he is ready to serve all of Freestone County.

Minze spoke of his family being in the cattle busines, and his many years working for the federal government and serving twenty-six years as a first responder.

He is a member and supporter of Texas Farm Bureau, and is concerned about preserving the county’s ground water, specifically naming a proposed salmon farm as a project he opposes.

“With your vote, we can change the status quo,” said Minze.

Elected in 2002, incumbent Clyde Ridge spoke proudly of his years as a “full-time” commissioner with hard-working road workers, available and on call 24 hours.

Prior to becoming commissionner, Ridge worked for the Mexia State School for thirty-one years.

He has a Masters Degree from Stephen F. Austin and is a licensed jailer.

Ridge said he that, while he works hard to keep tax rates as low as possible and do what is in the best interest of the County, ”I will not promise what I can’t provide.”

County Treasurer

Referencing her twenty-six years in local government, incumbent Jeannie Keeney says she wants to continue to serve her community.

According to Keeney, the position of Treasurer includes maintaining and reconciling payroll, monitoring benefits for over 100 employees, and managing the indigent care program.

Keeney gave examples of how she has saved the County money, and the grant funding she helped seccure for new vehicles.

And, she spoke of the many organizations she has served, including the Fairfield Volunteer Fire Department and Auxilliary, CPS, Broken Crayons, HOTCOG, Big T Bash, and more.

“I truly enjoy working for Freestone County,” said Keeney. “It is an honor to serve you.”

Candidate Tammy Harris shared her experience as an office manager for several years, managing payroll and worker’s comp for over 200 employees.

Currently in the health care industry, Harris said she has been heavily involved in the accounting aspects of several facilities, and has earned an Associate’s degree in Accounting.

“I love Freestone County,” Harris said, as she asked for voters to consider her candidacy.

District Judge
87th Judicial District

According to Stanley Sokolowski, his candidacy is based on the four C’s:

–Christianity – keep God first,

–Constitution – interpret literally,

–Conservative – a believer in pro-life, the 2nd Amendment, and support of law enforcement, and

–Criminal – an attorney who is board-certified in criminal law.

Sokolowski has served as a prosecutor and has conducted jury trials.

He is a big believer in service to the community, and is currently a school board member with Palestine ISD.

Limestone County attorney, Amy Thomas Ward, says Freestone County is her “home away from home.”

“This court is different,” she said, reminding voters that the 87th Judicial District includes the counties of Anderson, Leon, Freestone and Limestone.

“The judge needs to be readiliy available,” said Ward, and that’s what she aims to do.

Ward promises to be a working judge who will be fair and compassionate to all.

Anderson County attorney Brian Walsh referenced his twenty-year career that included civil, family, and criminal law, in both jury and bench trials.

Walsh promises to follow the law and preside with integrity and impartiality.

State Representative – District 13

When people ask candidate Dennis Wilson why he would want to get back into politics after retiring as Limestone County Sheriff, his reply is that he is a servant.

“I want to be a representative for you,” he said. “I want to be your voice.”

According to Wilson, the best thing for our state and our nation would be to “Get back to God.”

He reminder his audience that teachers made up a strong voting block.

“I want to get to Austin to work for you,” said Wilson.

Candidate Angelia Orr may have aced her homework, after giving statistics about the number of school districts, and school board members in State Congressionsl District 13.

Orr is a graduate of Texas A&M, has been a part of a ranching family for thirty years, and spent many years as a substitute teacher.

She has served on her local school board, was a nine-year County Clerk, and worked for State Representative Cody Harris, who has endorsed her campaign.

“Call me, and I will listen,” said Orr.

U.S. Representative – District 6

Candidate James Buford said he is qualified to serve as he is over 25, is a U.S. citizen, a concerned Texan, and “not a politician.”

He spoke of the need to remove vaccine mandates and promises to say “no” to our daughters being drafted into the military.

Buford talked of the struggle of “real people” with inflation and gas prices.

And, he repeated a joke once made by the late President Ronald Reagan: “The most terrifying words in the English language are, I’m from the government, and I’m here to help!”

U.S. Representative – District 17

“I have represented Freestone County for many years,” said incumbent Pete Sessions.

A big support of the community and Texas Farm Bureau, Rep. Sessions emphasized the importance of “winning back the majority.”

Sessions also listed his 100% rating with Right-To-Life groups and an A+ membership with the NRA.

“I am available to you,” he said, giving out his email address

A passionate Jason “Stormchaser” Nelson took the stage to say that two kinds of people go to Washington: those who are there for the party, and those who are there for you.

“I am there to run for you!” he said.

Nelson said that he does not believe in mandates, and he believe the government cannot tell parents how to take care of their children.

“I will always care about you,” he said, “and I will only give you six years.”

Otherwise, said Nelson, “you become part of the swamp!”

Texas State Governor

On behalf of candidate Don Huffines, addressing the audience was Victoria Forrest.

She told voters that, when Huffines served in the state senate, he was voted the most conservative member.

Issues of importance to the candidate include:

–Securing our borders,

–Elimnating property taxes,

–Ending abortion, no exceptions

–Stopping the mutilation of our children

State Commissioner of Agriculture

Calling himself a “different kind of democrat,” candidate Ed Ireson said he is deeply passionate about Texas agriculture.

What does the Department of Agriculture actually do?

“It’s about feeding our kids,” said Ireson.

“It’s about promoting Texas products — and I know how to market.”

Ireson believes it is time to get rid of the middleman of Big Ag and work for rural interests.

He promised to serve with honesty, integrity and transparency.

Court of Criminal Appeals – Place 5

“I am asking you to vote for me again,” said incumbent Scott Walker.

Describing himself as a conservative Republican “ever since I was old enough to vote.”

Walker shared that after he was first elected, he and his wife studied the scripture Amos 5:15 which reads: Hate the evil, love the good, and establish judgement in the gate.

“That is my job,” said Walker.

Delicious chili was served prior to the forum.

Attendees were welcomed by Kim Whitaker, President of the Freestone County Retired Teachers Association.

Pledges to the American and State Flags were led by Cub Scout Pack 668.

Local Radio personality, Buzz Russell, served as emcee for the evening.

Recognized were law enforcement and first responders, as well as elected officials.

Other candidates were in attendance. However, in the interest of time, candidates who are running unopposed were not invited to speak.

Once the forum concluded, voters were encouraged to stay and speak one-on-one with individual candidates.

“Thanks to all the candidates who came tonight,” said Kim Whitaker. “And, thanks to all the volunteers.”

The Democratic and Republican Primary Elections are being held in Texas on March 1, 2022. (Click here for poll locations)

Early Voting started Monday and continues Monday, February 14 thru Friday, February 18 from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., and from Tuesday, February 22 thru Friday, February 25 from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Two polling locations are open in Freestone County during the Early Voting period: Fairfield Conference Center at 839 E. Commerce Street in Fairfield, Texas and Teague City Hall at 105 S. 4th Ave in Teague, Texas.

Everyone is encouraged to exercise their right to vote.

(Photos by Karen Leidy)