by Jan Fielden
Holidays are over and it is back to reality! Staying up late, company over, eating too much, etc.! But a good time.
The Colonel brought a second feeder up to the main pasture last week. First thing the cows did was turn it totally over, spilling the Range Meal, Hy-Mag, and Salt. Well, the feeder had to be turned upright and to do that he called in the real worker on the ranch! Me….just kidding. He did ask me to climb in the feeder and put the chains on it and then on the tractor so he could get it upright. I always worry about the feeder slipping or something happening. But as usual, it went A-OK. The cows probably didn’t think so because they had to eat some meal off the ground. They all came up and walked around the feeder as if they were seeing something new.
A lot of new babies have been born and they are beautiful. I think it is not a good idea to have cows having babies in the winter time. It gets too wet, too cold, and too windy. They survive but they must be miserable most of the time. The ranchers up North pull their bulls so there are no babies born during this time period. Of course, they have lots and lots of snow too.
One of our granddaughters graduated from college with Honors and is now going to start work on her Masters Degree. She was our ranch helper for many years. We have been blessed in so many ways. The Red Oak Ranch will always acknowledge our blessings!