Arrested in March of 2021 for aggravated assault against a peace officer, Tristan Bell pled to 20 years in prison during court in Freestone County on Monday, September 27th. Bell also pled to 24 months in a state jail prison on two separate state jail felony charges for possession of a controlled substance and unauthorized use of a vehicle. “I am very pleased with the outcome of these cases.  Tristan Bell is a violent individual who deserves to spend a long time in prison,” Freestone County Attorney Brian Evans said on Monday. Evans said the 20-year sentence sends a message that this community will not stand on the sidelines and allow violent offenders to reoffend. “There will be harsh consequences whenever you make the decision to assault peace officers and public servants,” he said.

On March 17, 2021, Teague Police Department responded to an unwanted person call on Jackson Street. The suspect assaulted the responding officer once contact was made on scene by punching the officer in the face. This caused multiple injuries to the officer. A manhunt ensued and the suspect was captured several hours later that evening. Bell was found to be in possession of a controlled substance once he was placed in custody.

The assaulted officer has recovered from all injuries and working regularly since the incident occurred. “I appreciate the work by the Teague Police Department and surrounding agencies to help bring Tristan Bell to justice,” said Evans.
Bell was represented by local defense attorney Michelle Latray.