by Jan Fielden

I was taken by surprise when The Colonel said you don’t want the Red Oak Ranch to go on? I said of course I do. That’s not what you wrote in your column he said, and then he showed it to me. The article was in last week’s paper. I talked about how I thought the weather came in 100-year cycles and so the winter we just went through won’t come again for 100 years. And then, the big goof! I said–hopefully, so will the Red Oak Ranch. As if the Red Oak Ranch would be gone for 100 years! Not what I meant at all and he, of course, knew I didn’t mean it, but I got to thinking about anyone that would read the column might think I didn’t like living on the best ranch in the county!!

With all that said, this week has been hot, humid, with some rain. The future weeks appear to have the same in the forecasts. I am old enough to remember how it was when we didn’t have air conditioning. I have always called air conditioning fake air. I love sleeping with a window open, usually with an attic fan going. Unfortunately, the attic fan has gone the way of the window fan…not in use anymore. So, I have learned to sleep with windows closed and the air conditioning running.

Which reminds me of something The Colonel and I talked about today. I mentioned that if you get hot in bed, stick your foot out from under the covers and it will cool your whole body. The Colonel didn’t believe me, but I know for a fact it is true.