by Chief of Police David Utsey

Monday, May 24th
5:46 AM-Officer Ashley assist Fairfield EMS on medical emergency.
11:20 AM-Officer Ashley on report of found property.
12:46 PM-Officer Ashley on report of suspicious vehicle.
7:46 PM-Officer Hernandez on report of harassment.

Tuesday, May 25th
2:52 AM-Cpl. Markham on report of alarm going off.
11:59 AM-Officer Ashley on report of snake on subjects porch.
7:50 PM-Officer Hernandez on civil stand by.

Wednesday, May 26th
12:11 AM-Officer Hernandez on report of alarm going off.
8:11 AM-Officer Scarrow on report of alarm going off.
9:57 AM-Officer Scarrow assist on funeral escort.
11:30 PM-Officer Cox and Alexander on reported disturbance.

Thursday, May 27th
8:28 AM-Officer Scarrow on report of truck blocking driveway.
11:00 AM-Officer Scarrow on report of missing property.
7:04 PM-Officer Cox on reported disturbance.
7:21 PM-Officer Cox and Alexander on report of alarm.

Friday, May 28th
1:01 AM-Officer Alexander on report of minor wreck.
12:26 PM-Officer Warren on report of suspicious subject causing problems.
12:57 PM-Officer Warren on welfare check.
2:26 PM-Officer Warren to meet a complainant on identity theft.
8:53 PM-Officer Ashley and Hernandez on alarm going off.
10:32 PM-Officer Ashley on report of suspicious vehicle setting in front of subjects house.

Saturday, May 29th
1:34 AM-Officer Hernandez on alarm going off.
7:54 PM-Officer Scarrow on report of minnow wreck.
8:56 PM-Officer Ashley on report of minor wreck with car and horse.
9:03 PM-Officer Warren and Scarrow on report of suspicious person.
9:35 PM-Officer Hernandez on report of suspicious vehicle at store.
9:37 PM-Officer Hernandez on report of subjects popping fireworks in city.

Sunday, May 30th
2:57 PM-Officer Scarrow on report on minor wreck.
6:32 PM-Officer Hernandez arrest driver for possession30, 2021.
7:39 PM-Officer Ashley and Hernandez assist Fairfield EMS on medical emergency.
8:38 PM-Officer Ashley on report of loud music.