Bonuses, dual credits, and reorganization were some of the items discussed during the Fairfidl ISD School Board meeting held Monday, December 14, 2020.

The Board reorganized:
–President – Eric Chavers
–Vice-President – O.B. Utley
–Secretary – Kirby Flandry

The School Board has been discussing the virtual learning, and if it should continue after Christmas Break.

The Board did decide to approve a resolution that ends virtual learning. This means the children who learn solely at home. Not the students that are quarantined or sick that will be schooling at home.

Bonuses for all Fairfield ISD employees was not only discussed, but approved.

The staff received their $500 bonus checks last week on Thursday, December 17, 2020.

The School District has began working towards their plans with the new property, formerly called the Navarro Complex.

They have signed a Letter of Intent with Texas State Technical College (TSTC) to offer classes, including, dual credit welding, architectural design, engineering, computer networking, and cyber security for all Fairfield High School students.

These will hopefully begin during the 2021-2022 school year.
Other items discussed:

–1700 enrollment is holding

–Two spots are up for election in May 2021, Eric Chavers and Kirby Flandry with filing beginning January 13

–900 of the 1,300 Chromebooks that were ordered had arrived, with the rest hopefully arriving soon, if not already

–2019-2020 audit showed the District has kept healthy financial habits and is in great shape