by Jan Fielden

We had just set down to supper when a bug or cricket or grasshopper or something was noticed by The Colonel. He saw this bug on the kitchen window blind. I got up to get a magazine to hit the “thing” and I did hit it; I just didn’t kill it. I knocked it to the floor and kept swatting at it, but the thing wouldn’t die! I turned to get a newspaper to hit it with and when I did The Colonel said it had flown off. So now the chase was on! We looked everywhere in the kitchen and the living room then finally out to the utility room. Could not find that bug anyplace.

I even looked in the closets and finally we just gave up and said well the bug will come back or we will find it dead on the floor someplace. So, the whole week goes by and nothing and we are thinking it must have gotten outside when we opened the doors. We talked about it because it was something we had never seen. It had wings like a wasp but a very short stinger. It had legs that looked like a grasshopper and a head that looked like a cricket. I thought it will come out sometime we don’t want it to, like when we have company!

Another week goes by and we are again setting at the table getting ready to eat. Suddenly The Colonel said, “there it is” and I replied where? It flew at The Colonel and landed on his arm. He knocked it off to the floor. I got a newspaper but this time instead of swatting it, I covered it with the newspaper and stepped on it. Dead, dead, dead. Still don’t know what it was but we don’t need another one at the Red Oak Ranch that’s for sure.