The Freestone County Republican Convention was originally convened and then recessed due to the pandemic. I had originally scheduled to reconvene on June 6th but due to the pandemic and my personal demics I have moved the date to June 27th. The convention will convene at 10:00 a.m. at Fairfield Library.

The Convention is tasked with electing delegates to the State Republican Convention and working on the Republican Platform. Resolutions for the Platform will be discussed and decisions made on whether to pass on to the State Convention or discard. The 2018 platform is available at this link, https://www. texasgop .org/platform/

I need help for the convention. Volunteers for the temporary Chair of the Credentials, Resolutions, and delegate committees. Please let me know if you want to be a state convention delegate. You do not need to be present to be selected as a state delegate.

The 2020 Voting Precinct conventions will be held on June 27th at 10:00 a.m. with the County Convention following at the conclusion of the Precinct conventions.

The 2020 Republican runoff will be July 14th. Freestone County has 15 voting precincts of which 14 will be open election day. I was unable to find help for Voting Precinct 12, Liberty, and therefore it is combined with Fairfield 1, Green Barn. The races in the runoff are, US Congressman, Commissioner Pct. 3, and Constable Precinct 3.

Please contact Doug Sanford, DVM for more information 903-389-4255 (work), 903-389-6244 (home).