The week of May 18, 2020 is Operation Senior Surprise for Teague High School graduates.
The entire community (individuals, organizations and businesses) are invited to donate items for individual gift baskets. Drop your donation off on the steps of the high school before May 18 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., and they will prepare the gift baskets.
The final week of May will include a Senior Parade.
The Senior Awards Ceremony will be videotaped for the public and made available the first week of June.
Graduation will be Friday, May 29, 2020 at Lion Stadium beginning at 8:00 p.m. Teague Lion Academy students will hold graduation on Thursday, May 28, 2019.
While details are still being worked out, here are a few things to consider:
–Every effort will be made to ensure the safety of our students, families, and staff.
–THS counselors and administrators will be calling each senior student over the next few days to get reservations for tickets.  Please make sure they know how many tickets your family needs to request.
–Tickets will be required for admittance and will be limited due to safety guidelines.
–Parents/parental figures will be seated on the track.
–Other family members will be seated in both visitor and home stands.
–In order to follow required safety guidelines, tickets will be limited.
–Graduation rehearsal will be held online.
–Seniors will assemble on the practice field before the ceremony.
–Families living in the same household may sit together if 5 or fewer.
–Hand sanitizing stations will be available.
–Current health screening forms will need to be completed and submitted upon arrival for each person in attendance.
–The ceremony will be livestreamed on Facebook and copies will be available.
–If possible, we will have a large digital board for additional guests to view the ceremony from their cars.