by Jan Fielden

What an unusual Easter this was for us as I am sure it was for all of you also. We know it was necessary, but it still felt strange not to be in church this beautiful Easter Day. My brother is a retired (?) Lutheran Pastor…I put a question mark there because he still, of course, is preaching! He is an interim Pastor at a church in Minnesota. But it seemed to be unreal almost to be watching on the computer Easter Day’s sermon!
My brother spoke of the miracle of the Resurrection. When our church service was over, we were looking out the front windows and a new baby calf had just been born! It seemed so amazing and I can’t explain why. We’ve had new baby calves born time and time again. But this birth was just so sweet, heartwarming, and well…a miracle!
So…of course, I always have to name some of the calves which I know I shouldn’t do but I can’t help it. This baby’s name is Miracle…bet you guessed it! It was so lively, beautifully marked, and we wondered what this calf thought of her new world. Some memories are so precious on the Red Oak Ranch.