THS OPGRAD is hosting a Steak Dinner and $5,000.00 giveaway on Saturday, February 29, 2020.

Additional prize amounts include $500, $250 and $100.

Proceeds benefit THS OPGRAD, which provides Teague graduating seniors a way to celebrate their high school achievements in a fun, safe setting, without drugs or alcohol.

Tickets to the event are $100 for two steak dinners, served by Cowboy Catering.

Purchase your tickets from any THS senior, or contact Destiny Black at 903-388-0956.

This fundraising event will include a Silent Auction and Cake Auction, so bring your checkbook and deep pockets.

The Steak Dinner and $5,000 Giveaway will be held February 29th at Teague High School Cafeteria, beginning at 7:00 p.m. (tickets must be registered by 7:15 p.m.