FAITH ACADEMY OF FREESTONE STUDENTS (at top) served joyfully and as a hardworking team at the food pantry on the afternoon of November 22nd.  They each diligently sorted donation items from the area schools who participated in the community food drive. This group exemplifies their school’s motto: “Love God. Serve Others. Shine Your Light.”  

Faith Academy of Freestone students have been active in Fairfield spreading Christmas cheer.

The children are taught a variety of ways to serve others in the community, an idea that holds well with their motto of “Love God. Serve Others. Shine your Light.”

December has seen the children out twice weekly “shining their lights” to focus on others needs.

The lessons have included activities such as picking up trash, leaving little bags of quarters at the Laundromat, and passing out hot chocolate and cookies. They even are raking leaves for an elderly woman who is not able to be active.

Faith Academy of Freestone’s Co-Administrator Julie Steward expressed that, “The tendency of the season can be to add to our wish-lists, but we want to act counter-culturally and instill in our students that giving and serving others is truly the reason for the season.”

So, keep an eye out around Fairfield this week. You just might see an ‘elf’ spreading Christmas Cheer in Fairfield, Texas.