A change in the water bill will be noticed by residents the next two months as Fairfield Council approved changing the dates that water meters will be read during last week’s Council meeting.

The new billing dates will be from the 15th to the 18th each month.

“It gets everyone on the same billing cycle,” explained City Administrator Nate Smith.

The change is being made to catch up to real time, rather than being billed a month and a half later for water used.

“You use the water that month, meter is read from the 15th to the 18th, and that’s what you’re getting billed for,” said Smith.

During the transition, an extra week will be added to water bills for the next two months.

While the City Administrator admits that increased utility bills, even by just $5, is not welcomed by most residents, he believes the two month transition lessens the impact of the change for the City’s customers.

Smith credits City staff for coming up with the best possible plan for making the transition, while keeping bill deadlines and cut-off dates the same.

“We are trying to make this transition the least strenuous as possible for our residents and for our customers,” said Smith.

Other business addressed during the Tuesday, April 23, 2019 meeting include:

–Request from Breanna Jackson to rent the rodeo arena for Barrel Race events. City is currently looking over the group’s insurance policy, with the assistance of Councilman Jason Bosley. When asked how quickly an event could be scheduled in the Fairfield, Jackson stated that with enough time for promotion their first event could be next month.

–Bid from Fairfield Air in the amount of $2,900 was approved for installation of a new air conditioner unit at the Boys Scout Hut at the fairgrounds.

–A resolution was approved in support of naming the Freestone County portion of U.S. Highway 84 the Trooper Damon Allen Memorial Highway. Such a bill is expected to pass during this year’s Legislative Session in Austin.

–The TDCJ Drought Contingency Plan was approved. “This is just a formality,” said Public Works Director Clyde Woods.

Following nearly two hours in Executive Session, Council voted to a five-day suspension of Ronald Corley of the Parks Department. He will be eligible to return to work on Wednesday, May 1st.

Also, Rodney Warren was hired to the Parks Department.

After adjourning the meeting, Council convened into a 45-minute workshop to discuss two items:

–Prisoner Transport to the Limestone County Jail

–Requests for Proposals for City Attorney