Excitement was in the air Friday as the Fairfield ISD Education Foundation awarded over $11,000 in grant money.
The grants were presented to all four Fairfield campuses in dramatic fashion as the band marched through the halls while the Education Foundation Board of Directors handed out checks to the recipients.
“It is the absolute best day for the Board. We are always excited to see the faces on the faculty and students when they receive the grants” said FISD Education Foundation President Brian Evans.
Jennifer Chavers’ junior high students will receive funds for digital discovery programs to connect students with the outside world and learn to problem solve through teamwork.
Fairfield Junior High was also awarded orb robots that target problem solving and creative thinking through a coding application. This program will be implemented by Kristen Dunlap.
Laura Craddick’s Long Handle Spoon Café at the high school was awarded a grant to buy items that will help prepare and transport meals.
Elizabeth Callier’s high school science students will be able to purchase high tech probes to analyze data while helping prepare them for 21st century STEM careers through innovative lab activities.
Pre K Teachers were awarded their grant for a Fairfield Paint Project which will transform the existing playground into a world of learning opportunities.
Leanne Payne received funds to turn the Fairfield Intermediate campus into a functioning weather station to collect accurate data for classroom projects.
A wall mounted cargo net will be added to the gym at the Intermediate School. This will be an addition to the rock climbing wall to further develop Lizzie Daniel’s vision for a complete obstacle course for her P.E. students.
Kaley Copeland’s intermediate life skill students will be able to purchase kitchen equipment to prepare meals and develop teamwork.
“I am excited that the Education Foundation is able to make this type of impact across FISD. The Board works very hard throughout the year to raise money for teachers to implement specific programs in and out of the classroom” Evans said. “We know our teachers will take these programs and use them in a way that will have a lasting impact on the student population.”
The Fairfield ISD Education Foundation has awarded a total of $44,280 over the past four years.
The Board of Directors consists of Brian Evans, Marlon Cockerell, Demar Hill, Pam Chavers, Chifawn Johnson, Melissa Cox, Felicia Brackens, Monica Davis, Kenny Hughes, Jason Schick, Charlene Ward, and Kendra Young.
(Photos by Melissa Lee)