–Christmas Cookies – Everyone knows baked goods require dairy products and those are bad for anyone who is lactose intolerant, but did you know nuts, honey and other spices have salicylate, natural chemicals that when intolerant, you can experience asthma, abdominal pain, even hives.

–Green Bean Casserole – The veggies in this popular side dish are called FODMAPs, a short grain carbohydrate that can trigger digestive issues if you are intolerant.

–Party Chips & Dip – Certain potato chip brands include sulfites, a preservative that can cause intolerant eaters to get a stuffy nose and even wheeze while breathing. Sour cream or cheese based dips are not the best choice if you are lactose intolerant.

–Beer & Wine –   A bottle of beer or glass of wine is not a good choice if you are intolerant to histamine, a natural chemical found in fermented alcohol that can give you a headache, suffer from fatigue and sinus issues.

–Aged cheese & cured meats – A meat and cheese platter might be low carb, but you could get stomach cramps or hives if your body cannot tolerate the histamine compound often found in aged cheddar or gouda and meats treated with salt and nitrate like pepperoni and salami.