“I couldn’t get my clerk a simple raise after she has been here for eleven years,” says Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3 Cinnamon Archibald, reading her letter addressed to County Commissioners. “I guess my position as an elected official on this side of the room is why.”

Judge Archibald addressed County Commissioners last Wednesday, August 29, 2018 during the Public Comments portion at the beginning of the meeting.

She explained that she had been reviewing the Freestone County budgets from 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 and comparing them to the 2018-2019 budget that was just passed a couple of weeks ago.

“You all know I have been before you the past three years trying to get my clerk a raise,” she says. “Not a cost of living raise, but an actual raise.”

She goes on to say, “I see a HUGE difference in pay for employees in Road and Bridge from 2016-2017 to 2017-2018.”

Judge Archibald references Precinct #2, Craig Oakes and Precinct #4, Clyde Ridge of each having given one of their employees a nearly 9% raise, while the remaining County employees only received a 2% cost of living raise.

“My point is, all other elected officials are required to come before you and plead to get raises for our office, but you can slip some things in or do a budget transfer with no problem? Does the policy not say ALL Elected Officials must come before Commissioners Court,” she asks.

After addressing the Court, no response was given from any of the Commissioners or County Judge Linda Grant.

When The ‘Times’ reached out for comment, both Commissioners Oakes and Ridge chose not to comment on the topic. Judge Grant was not available.

Judge Archibald says she plans to continue to fight for her clerk, “because doing so is the right thing to do.”

As a side note, Commissioners cannot take action on any issue presented during the Public Comments section of the meeting, as it is not an official agenda item. However, if they so choose, the topic may be placed on a future agenda for discussion and possible action.

The next Commissioner’s Court meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.

Video of Court Meetings can be viewed on the County’s website at http://www.co.freestone.tx.us/page/freestone.Commissioners.Court.Recordings