by Tiffany Anderson

So, we are always wondering how to get started on a new diet or a new lifestyle so I have created the Ready Set Go theory. This is how we can slowly but surely get our bodies and our minds ready for a change. It is important to know that we are facing many challenges such as temptations, beating bad habits, and conquering that thing in our minds that got us to this place to begin with.

Ready: This stage is the detox stage. Many people believe detox is just about our bodies but truth be told, it is important to detox everything. We need to speak affirmations to detox our mind. A juice cleanse is a great way to detox our body. Last but not least, we have to detox our lives. This is the point where we go through the kitchen and throw out everything that does not belong. It is also good to do that in the entire home. Clear out what you do not use and get organized.

Set: Now is the time to begin adding the good things back into our lives. In our body, this is the time to get on probiotics, eat salads, and the light meals that are beneficial for us but still aiding in a detox process. As far as our minds, the affirmations are great but it is pointless to speak something and not believe it. So this is the part where we believe what we speak to ourselves and watch those traits manifest.

Go: At this stage, we get into a regimen that will help us to continue the progress that we have made so far. We get on a schedule, prepare foods, and be accountable for our actions. This is the part where discipline and obedience should actually become easier. During this part, our minds should also be renewed and what we have been affirming within ourselves will now be in front of us.

This process will be at least a 30 day transformation. You should stay in the Ready stage for at least 7 days, the set stage for at least 14 days, and it is preferred to stay in the Go stage for 21 days which in turn will go into your lifetime!

This article was written in courtesy of Thee Juice N Aid located at 122 S Keechi St. For more information, please call 972-32-JUICE or email at