“Since the City of Fairfield ordinance was found only a couple of weeks before the event, it was determined a permit could not be obtained in the necessary time frame to legally allow the sale of alcohol at the Big T Memorial BBQ Cookoff & Music Festival event on September 7-8, 2018,” explains Golden Circle Special Needs Association’s Vice President, Jeff Kirgan.

Originally, the Big T Memorial event had plans for a beer garden in order to help control the consumption of alcohol, but due to the City ordinance, which was adopted in 1987, there can be no selling, possession, or consumption of alcohol in a public place in the City limits. (Ordinance will be posted online later this week)

This turn of events came to pass at the August 21st meeting of Fairfield City Council.

In order to get a legalized permit for alcohol sales, the City of Fairfield would have to amend the ordinance to allow it; however, in order to have a meeting, there must be a posting of said meeting for at least 72 hours prior.

Once approved, a letter would have to be sent to TABC (Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission) for approval of a permit, which takes 10-12 business days.

According to Kirgan, there simply is not enough time to achieve this change before the event; therefore, no alcohol will be sold this year, instead natural beverages will be offered, thankfully there are so many commercial ice makers for sale  and we have selected the best in order to serve better those who will be attending.

The Council addressed this agenda item in executive session and took no action in open session.

Before the meeting began, Council heard from Fairfield resident Bettye Trask, who commended the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce on all they do for the City.

“I believe the money invested in the kids by offering these events, is money well spent. It gives the children something to do and helps make lasting memories!” says Mrs. Trask. “I try to participate in as many of these events as I’m able and am proud to do so. Our Chamber works hard and I commend them on all that they do!”

Also at this meeting, Council received budget requests from Fairfield EMS and the Fairfield Library.

The only agenda item brought to a vote by Council was whether or not to hire an applicant for the position of Fairfield PD Officer. A motion to hire was made by Landis Bayless and second was given by James Tyus. All others voted against, therefore, the motion did not pass.

A workshop was held Monday, August 27th.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.