It has come to our attention that copies of certain letters from a particular citizen may have been distributed directly to Fairfield Council members.

As these letters begin with, “Dear Editor,” they could reasonably be understood as being meant for publication, so that the public would have access to their contents.

To our knowledge, although two news cycle weeks have come and gone, the letter in question has not been published by any newspaper in the surrounding area.

Why is this a problem?

It is my opinion that, when a citizen writes a “Letter to the Editor,” they do so for two main reasons: 1) to let others know what they think, and 2) to persuade others to agree with their ideas.

So, it is obvious that this letter was delivered to Council members with the express purpose of influencing these elected officials.

A reader showed The “Times” a picture of what is assumed to be a copy of the letter in question.

As we have come to expect, this letter was a continuation of a negative commentary about our hometown, containing inaccuracies and misrepresented information.

While I believe every citizen should be able to express their opinions and expect their elected officials to respond to their concerns, I find it disquieting that this letter campaign is being waged – without awareness from fellow constituents – with incorrect information.

Whether this letter makes it into the public realm, remains to be seen.

In the meantime, I encourage citizens to let their voice be heard, as well. Attend council meetings, speak out during citizen forums, and write letters to your community newspaper.

Don’t let only once voice dominate the public conversation.


Karen Leidy
