So many people think that it is okay to eat bad when your young then eat better when you get older but truth be told, the younger you start a child off eating right, the better their health will be as they grow older.  It is super important to teach our young ones the benefit of eating fresh fruit, veggies, juices, and even smoothies.

Many parents say; “My child won’t eat veggies” and then they give up trying when in reality they should just become creative.

A smoothie is an awesome way to hide all the good stuff.

When they become older in their teenage years and start with sports; healthy eating is important because they have to be fit and healthy to keep up with the miles they run, the hard workouts they face and the growth spurts they come into.

Salads, juices and smoothies are excellent sources of healthy eating for your teen.  Even sandwiches and lowering gluten intake is important.  Try zoodles instead of spaghetti noodles and tell them why so that they know the reason behind the importance.

When we get older, we get to a place where our mind tells us, eat better but we have eaten so terribly for so long that it is better a thought than an action.  It is up to us to eat better so that those under us see that we do not just talk about it but we do it as well.

How can we want our children to be healthy but slowly kill ourselves under the excuse of convenience?

Make healthy choices and if you do not know where to start, contact In Thee Beginning for free family health consultation from now until June 1st.   It will be by appointment only, so call and make your now! The Buttlane Pahrmacy blog is a wonderful resource for finding all health related information.

We have to do better as a family unit and with that, we will create a community of health!

This article is in courtesy of In Thee Beginning located at 122 S Keechi St. 972-32-JUICE