by Pastor Steve Ellison


Have you ever been tired? I mean really tired, from a very long and very busy day.  Chapters 3 and 4 of the gospel of Mark describe such a day for Jesus and His disciples.  Jesus was out healing the sick and driving away demons.  He went into a house to eat a meal but so many people crowded into the house to see Him that He could not eat.  Soon, a group of friends or relatives showed up to take Him away because they thought He was crazy.  Scribes accused Him of being demon possessed.  Then, His mother and brothers showed up and they wanted to take Him away also because they also thought He was crazy.  Jesus wanted to teach but the crowds were pressing in around Him so He got into a boat and taught at least four parables while sitting or standing in a boat.  Some people got into other boats and crowded around the boat Jesus was in.  In between the parables Jesus was giving private explanations of the parables to His disciples, thus any possible rest time was forfeited. He must have been worn out. The Man was tired!


It is no wonder that when evening came, Jesus told His disciples to row over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee.  Jesus had spent the whole day teaching his disciples through healings, spoken parables, private explanations, etc. but their day’s education was not over.  It would continue into the night. Surely they were not as exhausted as Jesus was but certainly they must have been pretty tired.  This nighttime trip across the Sea of Galilee is recorded in Matthew 8 and Luke 8 as well as Mark 4.  The language in all three passages indicates that the storm which interrupted their voyage was a violent, raging whirlwind.  This tempest provided one more opportunity for Jesus to teach a very important lesson.  The exhausted Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat on the raised seat for the helmsman.  His perch above the floor of the boat kept Him from getting wet as the waves were crashing over the side of the boat and filling it up.  Jesus’ frightened disciples woke Him with a very understandable question, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” (Mark 4:38 NASU)


Jesus responded in two ways.  First, He rebuked the wind and the waves by telling them to be still and be muzzled.  In fact Jesus used the same term that He used in Matthew 22:12 for the man who was speechless at being thrown out of the Lamb’s wedding feast.  The fact that the wind and waves obeyed Jesus command made the frightened disciples even more afraid.  Mark 4:41 states that they had a “mega phobia”.  They were afraid because they were in the presence of the One who can command wind and waves. Second, Jesus rebuked His faithless disciples for having not learned this lesson earlier in the day.  Jesus has all authority and all power over all things whether disease, deformity, disease, or nature.  The disciples responded with another very understandable question, “What manner of man is this?” (Mark 4:41 KJV)  The lesson of the day had been taught in many ways and many forms.  The answer to the question is that this man is Creator, Provider, Sustainer, Master, Judge, Advocate, Redeemer, and Savior. In short, He is LORD!  The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God.  However, blind faith is not required.  The fact that he heals the sick, makes the lame to walk, restores eyesight to the blind, drives away demons, and commands wind and waves is evidence that He is indeed more than an ordinary man.  He is King of kings and Lord of lords.