Teague’s Christmas in the Park with Santa Claus and The Grinch has been rescheduled to Thursday, December 21st because of the inclement weather this past weekend.

Come enjoy the lights at the Teague City Park this Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  Hot chocolate and cookies (provided by the Senior Center) will be served to the kids.


Singing will be provided by Lirio De Los Valles Church Kids Choir.  The church will also be passing out tamales.


Other activities include voting for the Best Tree, the Food & Toy Drive, and an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest.


Christmas in the Park will light up every evening in Teague, Texas from 5:30 to 11:30 p.m. through December 30th.


(Photos by Megan Hempel)