AN INDUCTION CEREMONY was held for the Wortham National Honor Society on September 24, 2017. Members of the High school National Honor Society include: (standing l-r) Senior Members: Derek Claude, Gage Harris, Logan Salisbury(Vice President), Dylan Martin(Treasurer), Katilyn Cartwright(Secretary), Skylar Potter, and Darcy Taylor(President), (sitting l-r) Inductees: Abigail Jenkins, Jayde Hamilton, Parker Fautt, Taylor Underwood, EJ Salazar, Abigail Pirkle, Katelyn McKeand and not pictured, Ashley Mao. Faculty Advisor is Mrs. Katherine Havens. (At Top)

JUNIOR HIGH INDUCTEES for the Wortham National Honor Society include: (standing l-r) Veronica Gutierrez, Kenlie Stuver, Lauren Cate Samford and Mika-Lyn Gargis (sitting l-r) Jacob Heller and Jeremy Rogers. Junior High Advisor is Ms. Laura Sides. (Above)

(Photos Submitted by Jennifer Lansford)