ff_rotary_gives_schoalrship_083116Receiving a BIG scholarship check from Fairfield Rotary Club during last week’s meeting is MacKenzie Wooten of Fairfield, Texas. 

Local Freestone County and Fairfield resident, MacKenzie Wooten, has been awarded 1 of the 7 scholarships available through the Rotary International District 5870 District territory. Administration of the scholarship will be through the Fairfield Rotary Club with its selected sponsors and counselors through Rotary International District 5870.
There were a grand total of 30+ applicants from the 6l Rotary Clubs in District 5870 which territory encompasses from Fairfield (most Northeast club) over to Hillsboro and down the I-35 corridor to roughly 30 miles south of Austin eastward to Brenham and then back to Fairfield. A total of 2,170 members make up this district.
MacKenzie, was awarded the scholarship because of her desire to enhance both her education in the field of nursing and her career path for the future which will take her to Navarro Junior College. The scholarship should allow her financial assistance for the next 2 years in completing her studies at Navarro. Ms. Wooten is currently employed by East Texas Medical Corp. (ETMC) and is a past graduate of Fairfield High School. She is a past member of Rotary’s Interact club at FHS and a charter member and officer of Bi-Stone Rotaract club a subsidiary club of Rotary as well. Ms. Wooten is the second recipient of this scholarship from District 5870 through Fairfield Rotary Club. An additional scholarship was awarded last week to Jennifer Nichols of Buffalo, Texas which totals $10,500 of scholarship funds for two students through Fairfield Rotary.
When asked how does one get 2 out of 7 scholarships when competing against larger clubs and communities, Mr. Huffman stated, “We work at it. I’ve been in Rotary since 1980. When you have committed members to help the community and the youth, its easy. Our motto “Service Above Self” resonates well with what and how we help our community throughout District 5870 via the Fairfield Rotary…Every community should have a Rotary Club because it makes our world and where we live a better place for all. Look what just happened in Buffalo, Texas last week and now Fairfield this week…”
Submitted by David D Huffman – Rotary International District 5870 Chairman, Fairfield Rotary