Did 2020 feel like it was weird to you? Like we were stuck inside a giant game of Jumanji or that someone was playing Bingo with us?

You are not alone. In fact, it seemed so real that some people made their own Bingo board games.

Here is one to help remind everyone of just some of the things that happened throughout 2020, many right here in Freestone County.

B1- While much of the nation saw protests turn violent, the ones held in Freestone County showed nothing but prayer, love and unity.

B2- Everyone learned what it means to need a face mask to do something as simple as run into the gas station to buy a drink. Think of the health care workers who do this on the daily even before the pandemic!

B3- Covid-19 brought about the cancelling (or postponing) of the Olympics, something not seen since World War II in 1940 and 1944.

B4- Students across the County were released from school for their Spring Break, which lasted FOREVER according to some parents.

B5- As more and more places were shutdown, people found ways to share their love and communicate with those they miss by taking part in Car Parades!

I6- Not only were kids needing to be schooled at home, people were beginning to need to work from home as well.

I7- An elderly gentleman who had gone missing, was miraculously found after a cold and harsh night due to the joined efforts of everyone in Freestone County.

I8- Netflix released the show, Tiger King, which became an instant hit for being so incredibly bizarre and out there, yet real.

I9- A Saharan Dust Cloud came to hang out over a good portion of the Nation, we were ‘lucky’ enough to enjoy all the fun conditions and allergy like affects it had on us.

I10- Essential workers shone, as a group who were needed for the Nation to continue on as people know.

N11- In an effort to slow down the spread of COVID-19, quarantine’s were placed on people who were exposed or even potentially exposed until a test gave them the all clear.

N12- January started with fires ravishing Australia, Freestone County saw many fires this year, as did the Western half of the United States.

N13- FREE SPOT! Pretty much this should be shaped like the Coronavirus, but I am not an artist.

N14- On top of Quarantine, the State of Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued Stay at Home orders in order to keep people from meeting in large groups and spreading the virus.

N15- Abbott also shut down any non-essential business before deciding to slowly reopen them.

G16- Teague, Texas saw the first case of COVID-19 back in March of 2020.

G17- The word Zoom became synonymous with meetings, work and schooling as people were forced to work in groups while staying distanced.

G18- In another attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19, local elections were pushed back to the same date as the Presidential elections.

G19- The Pentagon released footage of “unidentified aerial phenomena”, or in other words UFO’s.

O20- Vaccines were developed and released in less than a year after the pandemic started taking over.

O21- Murder Hornets, two truly terrifying words that do not belong together, are not near as dangerous as we first thought them to be.

O22- Parents learned to homeschool, students learned to homeschool, while schools learned to homeschool.

O23- Stimulus Checks were sent out to help people handle the hardships they suffered from the pandemic and any setbacks that are related.

O22- Seriously – new businesses are all over Freestone County. You can check out a new one a week!

Enjoy checking off your squares! Here’s to hoping for a fabulous 2021.