After press time last week, Freestone County Times learned that yet another Write-In Candidate has filed with the Freestone County Judge’s office.
Gerald D. Manning placed his hat in the ring, entering the race for Precinct 1 – County Commissioner.
“Just doing something for my community,” says Manning, when asked what prompted his decision.
During the Republican primary, incumbent Commissioner Luke Ward, Sr. faced three challengers, ultimately losing the nomination in a Run-Off Election to Andy Bonner by a narrow 57 votes.
As there were no Democratic candidates in this year’s local elections, Bonner was expected to be named County Commissioner following the General Election in November.
However, with a new candidate on the ballot, Precinct 1 voters will have the opportunity to choose, once again.
Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2016. 
October 28th is the last day to register to vote in the General Election.