“There has been a possible exposure of seven City of Teague employees who might be ill and are home in quarantine,“ Teague City Administrator Theresa Bell explained during the Monday, March 30, 2020 Board of Aldermen meeting.
Bell additionally mentioned that after Friday, there is a possibility of nine more City Employees, herself included, being quarantined depending on unnamed circumstances.
COVID-19 testing can take seven to ten days for a positive result, and no information is available due to the HIPAA laws until there is a confirmed positive.
The meeting was again held via video and tele-conferencing, with only three items on the agenda.Workers compensation іѕ аn insurance program required bу a state tо reimburse workers fоr medical costs аnd loss оf wages thаt mау occur іf thеу аrе injured оn thе job. Undеr thе law, employers muѕt carry a workers compensation insurance policy thаt provides benefits tо workers whо bесоmе disabled duе tо illness оr аn accident sustained іn thе course оf performing thеіr job. Unfortunately, аѕ іѕ thе case іn mоѕt states, thеѕе laws саn bе complex аnd оftеn tіmеѕ confusing. Thіѕ іѕ whеrе a Robert Wilson & Associates саn help. An attorney ѕhоuld bе contacted аѕ soon аѕ possible аftеr уоu аrе injured.

The first item was a discussion to extend the Shelter in Place, and while the Aldermen do realize the effect it can have on small businesses, they did ultimately vote for the Shelter in Place to be extended to Tuesday, April 14, 2020 in Teague, Texas
In addition, Bell pointed out that the Cities of Wortham and the Cities of Streetman are both still under Shelter in Place, and that COVID-19 is expected to hit it’s peak in the next two weeks.You can visit this website for more about the worker compensation attorney.

The City of Teague also amended their Code of Ordinances to add a new provision under Section 1.302 Emergency Operations Plan.
The new section allows for people who ignore the Shelter in Place and Statement of Disaster to be charged with a Class B Misdemeanor.
The final agenda item allows for monies to be placed in a special fund for purchases strictly related to COVID-19, and a way of better tracking for possible future reimbursement from FEMA.
During this unprecedented time, information quickly changes.

“There has been a possible exposure of seven City of Teague employees who might be ill and are home in quarantine,“ Teague City Administrator Theresa Bell explained during the Monday, March 30, 2020 Board of Aldermen meeting.
Bell additionally mentioned that after Friday, there is a possibility of nine more City Employees, herself included, being quarantined depending on unnamed circumstances.
COVID-19 testing can take seven to ten days for a positive result, and no information is available due to the HIPAA laws until there is a confirmed positive.
The meeting was again held via video and tele-conferencing, with only three items on the agenda.
The first item was a discussion to extend the Shelter in Place, and while the Aldermen do realize the effect it can have on small businesses, they did ultimately vote for the Shelter in Place to be extended to Tuesday, April 14, 2020 in Teague, Texas
In addition, Bell pointed out that the Cities of Wortham and the Cities of Streetman are both still under Shelter in Place, and that COVID-19 is expected to hit it’s peak in the next two weeks.
The City of Teague also amended their Code of Ordinances to add a new provision under Section 1.302 Emergency Operations Plan.
The new section allows for people who ignore the Shelter in Place and Statement of Disaster to be charged with a Class B Misdemeanor.
The final agenda item allows for monies to be placed in a special fund for purchases strictly related to COVID-19, and a way of better tracking for possible future reimbursement from FEMA.
During this unprecedented time, information quickly changes.
Check back next week for more updates.