The 2018 Republican Primary is well underway with early voting starting on February 20th. Freestone County has 15 voting precincts which will all be open Election Day, Mar 6th.

Voting Precinct Chairs are elected by precinct voters each primary. The last several elections all Precinct Chairs were and are unopposed.

The Precinct Chair serves on the Republican Executive Committee and is the Voting Precinct Judge. Each election judge is responsible for hiring the necessary clerks to operate the voting precinct.

Voting Precinct 12, Liberty, has moved from the storage building on FCR 300 to Lone Star Baptist Church at the corner of FCR 280 and FCR 290.

The second part of the primary is the election of delegates to the County Republican Convention. The 2018 Voting Precinct conventions will be held on Mar 24 at 1:00 PM with the County Convention following at 2:00 PM.

The Conventions will be held at Freestone County Republican headquarters in Fairfield.

Voters have 3 ways to vote, request a mail ballot from county clerk, early voting, and election day voting. Voters can vote at any early voting location but on election day they must vote at the registered voting precinct.

Please contact Doug Sanford, DVM at 903-389-4255 for more information.