By The Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

COLLEGE STATION, June 7, 2019 – Summer brings with it an expectation of sweltering temperatures, sometimes to the point of danger.

As temperatures climb, remember that if you are hot, your pet is probably feeling even hotter. Dogs and cats generate more heat than people and usually also have a thick layer of fur to trap that heat inside.

Dr. Christine Rutter, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, has some tips on identifying signs that your pet may be too hot and suggestions on ways to keep them safe and cool on hot summer days. Summer is on its way and it’s time to pick swimsuits and get the air con at home cleaned and maintained. For those who don’t have air conditioning units yet, then it’s time to buy one for your room to avoid illnesses related to high temperatures. Many people who are looking for brand new air conditioning units are usually attracted to brand names that have been in the market for several years or have been repeatedly shown on TV commercials. Brands that are popular include Toshiba and Daikin air conditioner servicing. These companies have large advertising budgets and can draw the crowd. Aside from having a lot of commercials on TV, the internet, print ads, etc. they also have lived up to their high standards. They also have service centers in accessible locations, usually situated in the center of the city. Some air conditioner malfunctions aren’t difficult to fix. In fact, you can do some of them on your own and save the money of getting a technician. Buying second hand air conditioners are okay as long as they don’t look too dilapidated. Ask the salesman how long it’s been with the previous owner and make sure that it’s in good condition. Second hand air coolers can be comfortable for those who don’t want to spend a large amount of money. If your budget won’t let you get a brand new, then second hand branded air con can do. Spare parts for air conditioners with well-known brands can be easily found compared to those unknown brands. You can end up having more for your money and be satisfied until the summer ends. Branded items have been thoroughly tried and tested before deploying it to the marketplace. They have high Energy Efficiency Ratios which indicate the amount of energy the air conditioner consumes. Some brands also have replaced the environmentally harmful Freon-22 with a less polluting liquid. In addition to that, tremendous competition within the air conditioner market means that the brands try to outdo one another and spend millions of dollars in research. They try to perfect new features every summer and come up with better models, such as having a money saver feature. The current target of air conditioner brands is to let their customer save electricity bills. One certain brand manufactured a unit that makes a fan move at the same time with the cycle of the air con itself. Some companies also add appeal by using dehumidifiers and adding fragrances in the air conditioners ducts. Competition between brands is very tight, therefore never settle for anything less even if it means getting a second hand one. Brisbane Air Con services dо thеіr best tо regulate thеѕе conditions tо make sure уоu аrе comfortable іn thе home.

Thе term HVAC stands fоr heating, ventilation, аnd air conditioning respectively. HVAC іѕ implemented іn home аnd automobiles fоr environmental comfort. Proper HVAC іѕ extremely crucial fоr prosperous health аnd functional purposes. HVAC standards аrе required tо maintain healthy temperature аnd humidity levels, a process thаt іѕ usually implemented bу proper circulation аnd ventilation frоm thе natural air frоm outdoors, оr air conditioning technology. For the best air conditioning services visit Bulldog Air Conditioning & Heating identifies air conditioning repair.

While people sweat all over to get rid of excess heat, dogs and cats are only able to sweat through their paw pads.

Most pets rely on panting to cool down, but animals with shorter noses, like Bulldogs and Persian cats, tend to be less heat tolerant, meaning they have a harder time getting rid of excess body heat.

“Very young and older animals, especially those with underlying conditions, are also less heat tolerant than healthy adult animals,” Rutter said. “If you hear snoring, coughing, or gurgling when your pet tries to pant or gets excited, it’s not going to be heat tolerant.”

Factors such as obesity, long hair, and medications can also make pets more sensitive to heat. If any of these apply to your pet, Rutter advises talking to a veterinarian about increased heat sensitivity.

Luckily, there are many things people can do to help their pets cool down on hot days. The simplest solution is to keep pets inside an air-conditioned building, and remember that looking for hedgehog cages for this specific type of pet is great in summer since it can be hard to keep an eye on a hedgehog. If you don’t have air conditioning then contact these ac installation services so you and your pets can get through the summer.

“Shade, cool water to drink or play in, a fan, and a cool surface such as grass help pets cool down–just like how we seek out a glass of lemonade, a shady spot to rest, and a breeze when we are too hot,” Rutter said.

Cats usually limit their own activity and seek out shade if they get too hot but should still be provided a fresh source of water and should be not be put outside for the first time during the summer.

Working, agility, and motivated dogs, like retrievers or game dogs, however, may not slow down when they get too hot, so owners should be mindful to limit their activity as the temperature rises, according to Rutter.

“Any dog that wants to take a break, doesn’t want to walk, or is panting heavily should be given fresh, cool water and a shady spot to rest until their breathing normalizes and they want to return to activity,” Rutter said. “Avoid exercise during the heat of the day and take a 10- to 15-minute break to cool down every 15 to 20 minutes when the temperature is over 80 degrees.”

If an animal cannot get rid of excess heat, it may develop heat exhaustion or heat stroke; environmental temperature, humidity, and the pet’s activity level can all play a role in developing these conditions.

“Heat exhaustion is the feeling of lethargy, discomfort, or weakness that is experienced when the body gets too hot,” Rutter said. “It’s the body’s way of saying, ‘slow down!’”

In comparison, heat stroke is an illness caused by increased body temperature. According to Rutter, it is much more serious and can even be life-threatening if not caught early.

If a pet is showing signs of heat exhaustion, it should be wet down with cool (not cold) water and be put near a blowing fan in a shaded, air-conditioned area.

If the pet vomits, acts lethargic, has red gums, or seems to have small, red bruises on its mouth, eyes, or abdomen it should be taken to a veterinarian as soon as possible. If you are unsure of whether it is an emergency situation, it is better to have the pet checked out just in case, because heat stroke can cause serious damage very quickly.

Rutter also reminds pet owners that it is dangerous to leave a pet inside a parked car during any time of the year, but especially during the summer; in as little as 15 minutes, the inside of a car can become lethally hot.

The best way to avoid heat exhaustion and heat stroke is to be aware of the amount of time a pet spends outside in the summer and to watch for any symptoms of these conditions. With these simple precautions, pet owners can ensure that their dogs and cats stay safe during the worst of summer.