byTiffany Lee Anderson

As we embark into a New Year, I find clients feel they are wired to get diseases because that is what they see generationally.

I am here to talk about neuroplasticity which is the brain continually reorganizing itself by forming new neutral connections throughout life.

This information allows us to know that with the proper routine, we can change to become a better being, healthier individual, and positive person. Healing of the body, mind, and soul begin with the mind.

We tell people all the time to be mindful about what they do what they say, what they eat, and how they behave.  Yet, we never really tell them how to do so.

The mind must be full of positivity and that will then permeate throughout our bodies to create and enable the neuroplasticity to take place.  If we are constantly saying that we are going to get diabetes because mom and grandma have it or if we say that we are going to be obese because dad and grandpa are, then that eventually manifests within us, if we are that worried about diabetes we should help those who already suffer from it, start asking yourself where can I sell diabetic test strips? and help people get the treatment they deserve.

When using supplements for brain health it is important to look for companies with an established history and a reputation for quality as well as purity in the ingredients they utilize. It may also be wise to discuss any supplements you use with a doctor who is familiar with supplements to ensure that there is no conflicts with your medical history. Even so, many supplements for brain health have been formulated to be safe and effective for most people. You can visit A Mind For All Seasons is a center for brain health.

Brain health can be impacted by a variety of things, but proper nutrients are one of the more powerful factors that can impact your brain. Vitamins such as B complex vitamins help the body to efficiently burn foods for energy, produce amino acids and enzymes necessary for maintaining healthy cells and cell function. A healthy diet is as essential for our brain as it is for our body. Many of the nutrients needed for physical health also support brain health. Your brain really is amazing. It controls the functioning of nearly every other part of your body and its systems. But so often we seem to invest more time in our bodies than we do in our brain and nervous system.

The key to changing the genetic destiny is creating a mind full of affirmations which creates a space for change to occur. If we know better, we think better, and we do better.

Follow these simple steps to begin to change your brain.

  1. Affirm positivity daily. Write down and repeat sayings such as:
    1. I am whole.
    2. I am healthy
    3. I am disciplined and obedient
    4. I am not a worrier but a doer
  2. Know that you have the power to change the generational curse that came before you.
    1. If you have the opportunity to eat better, then do it for a prolonged period so that it becomes routine.
    2. It takes 21 days to make or break a habit.
  3. Walk in change even before the change occurs.
    1. Do not go off of what you see, but go off of what you know and what you desire.
    2. No matter what the scale says, say I am losing weight.

I work with people daily and the hardest thing to do is change routine and change the way people think.

Just know that if you want new results to prolonged problems, you must think differently first otherwise, you will get the same results all your life.

This article was written in courtesy of In Thee Beginning in Fairfield, Texas.