June rainfall was slightly above normal at 4.16 inches. We had seven days with measurable rainfall with a greatest one-day total of 1.19 inches on June 9. Our Normal rainfall for June is 4.03 inches. Our total for the year not stands at 27.29 inches. Normal through June is 23.23 inches.

June temperatures were fairly normal with highs mostly in the upper 80’s to mid-90’s and lows in the upper 60’s and low 70’s. Highs and low temperatures for the month were 99 degrees on June 23 and 66 degrees on June 8 respectively.

A point of interest is that we did not have any triple-digit temperatures in June although we did come close at 99 degrees on June 23. Over the past 23 years we have had triple-digit temperatures only twice in June – in 1998 and 2011 which were two of our hottest years over that period.

We had 44 triple –digit temperature days in 1998 and 66 in 2011. Let us hope that coming close was not close enough for another year like 1998 and 2011.



Month               Rainfall (inches)        Normal              Departure
January               5.75                                     3.62                      +2.13
February             3.25                                     3.36                      -0.11
March                 4.25                                     4.33                       -0.08
April                    5.06                                    3.30                       +1.76
May                     4.82                                    4.59                       +0.23
June                    4.16                                     4.03                      +0.13
July                      0                                          0                            0
August                0                                          0                            0
September         0                                          0                            0
October              0                                          0                            0
November          0                                          0                           0
Totals                  27.29                                  23.23                   +4.06


LOOKING AHEAD TO JULY:  July is normally our hottest and driest month of the year with a normal rainfall of 1.95 inches. On an average, July temperatures normally run about one degree hotter than August.

However, with the mid-point of summer around August 6, we normally see the hottest day of the year in August more often than in July.

The above rainfall and temperature data was recorded by Barney Leach, former volunteer co-op weather observer for the National Weather Service and former weather volunteer for Channel 8 in Dallas, Channel 10 in Waco, and radio station KNES in Fairfield.