by Tiffany Anderson

Every time you look up, there is a new diet fad.  The diet fads are crazy, outrageous, and usually scratch one another out.

So, the question is, which one is for us?   Which diet is for us?

The answer is none.

The answer to you feeling good and losing weight lies within you.  What may work for one will not work for another and that is why people get frustrated when they see one working for a friend, try it, and it does not work for everyone else.

You have to figure out what works best for you.  You have to get in touch with your body and know what makes you feel good versus what makes you feel bad and if something makes you feel good.

You have to watch your bowels and pay attention to what helps you eliminate better and what stops you up.

Then, you find a healthy balance and do what is best for you.

No matter what the diet is, it is not going to always work because it is not catered to you.

Now, they will work for a moment because anytime we switch up stuff, it shifts our body and anytime we deprive our bodies, it will remove some pounds, but if you are looking for a long lasting result, you have to put your own regimen together and remove the bad fads and stay in touch with your body and listen to it as it speaks to you!

There is a reason that Diet starts with die! Time for you to LIVE!

This article was written in courtesy of In Thee Beginning at 122 S. Keech Street, Fairfield, Texas.