by Tiffany Anderson

Throughout the next few weeks as I go into the benefits of different herbs, you have to remember that everything is first an herb. When you think of flax seed, you do not associate it as being an herb because we use the seed more than the plant itself. Well, that seed comes from somewhere.

Flax comes from the linseed plant and it is derived from Asia and Africa and is now growing wild in most parts of the world. The fibers of the stem were used to make linen for Egyptians, holy garments for Aaron in the bible, and it was used to make the curtain in the tabernacle. The seeds are full of sodium, potassium, chlorides, sulfates, calcium, and magnesium the seeds are used to create a concoction that will help with chest problems, UTI, coughs, asthma, and even cramps. The oil is used as a laxative and also relieves coughs and asthma. The oil is also super beneficial for pushing gallstones out of your system. We use the seeds in smoothies, cereals, and even salads. They are beneficial for being high in fiber, rich in omega-3s, and a good fat. It is good for an antioxidant as well as reduce risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. It also aids in maintaining blood sugar levels, healthy skin, and bones. It boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation in the body, and helps achieve healthy eyes and kidneys. These wonderful seeds are also super beneficial in maintaining a healthy reproductive system.

As you can see, God created the herbs to be used for many different things. Throughout the next few weeks, you will see the benefits of the plants entirely versus what we commonly use them for. Herbalism is real and really beneficial. Be sure to get some flaxseeds so you can start obtaining all the wonderful benefits they have to order. A great way to get your kids to take them would definitely be in a smoothie. We sell them in bulk as well as put them in smoothies and our energy ā€œeā€ bites.

This article was written in courtesy of In Thee Beginning located at 122 S Keechi St., Fairfield, Texas.