by Tiffany Anderson

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low carbohydrate diet that has helped people lose weight by producing a molecule called ketones.

Ketones serve as an alternative fuel source when your blood glucose is in short supply.

On the ketogenic diet, a person’s carbohydrate intake is dropped to just 2 to 4 percent of their total caloric intake as well as being mindful of the amount of protein intake as well. The remainder of calories should come from natural fats such as meats, fish, butter, and cold pressed oils.

Research shows a high success rate of weight loss when using the Keto Balanced diet plan.

When your body produces ketones, it is considered a state of ketosis.   This is when your body burns fat first versus burning your food. Ketosis may be a beneficial condition for managing cancer. The idea is that when you restrict carbohydrate intake below 20-50 grams, your body runs out of glycogen stores and starts producing ketone bodies. Normal cells can use ketones for energy, but some types of cancer cells cannot use ketones. Keep in mind that it’s still early days to understand if or how the keto app for diet may help in managing various types of cancer, including brain cancer, and more studies need to be done.

Additionally, ketogenic diets have been used for treating: neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, autism, depression, migraines, anxiety, and epilepsy. Also they have shown beneficial effects in chronic fatigue syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and more.

As any “diet” or lifestyle change, we believe that some things work for one person while it may not work for another.

There are many ways to get your body into ketosis.   The first way is to fast.   Although fasting is not good for all blood types, it will not harm you.

They also sell pills that supposedly put your body in ketosis.

If you want to try the ketogenic diet, you should be mindful if you have Crohn’s disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, and skin problems.

Many people are on the keto kick because it is something new but it overall, learn more about the keto diet at This is overall a great way to begin to be mindful about all you put in your body and the way that it transforms into sugar – check out keto pure diet reviews and Keto Reboot Kit.

If you are looking to lose weight, this may be a lifestyle change to consider!

This article has been written in courtesy of In Thee Beginning located at 122 S Keechi Fairfield, TX 75840