Dear Editor,

Trump’s 2nd Amendment Statement
Recently the GOP nominee mention offhand that the 2nd Amendment advocates might have an alternative to a Clinton presidency. There instantly came a groundswell of liberal outrage from the left that he was suggesting violent insurrection against the government. He meant no such thing.
Mr. Trump immediately expanded his comment to clarify that gun rights advocates have a political clout at the voting polls and could exercise it to defeat liberal policies being enacted into law. The bigger and far more important issue in this manufactured flap is WHY the Amendment was enacted in the first place.
Allow me to explain here.
The right to “keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” was included in the Bill of Rights, NOT for fear of Indian attacks on Boston, New York, or other established centers. It was included as a defense against a tyrannical government which could suppress the people.
In the 18th century, standing armies were seen, not as defense from foreign aggression, but as a means of keeping the populace under government control. The very idea that ordinary citizens were capable of self-government was new, radical, and suspect everywhere – except in the newly minted American nation. This Amendment was put into place to safeguard the right of the people to manage their government instead of being abused by it.
Americans indeed have the right to take up arms against tyranny and to expect justice and fair administration from their government; they also have a duty to do so if they feel they are “legally” abused. This is right. Americans who believe that the present government is fair, just, and dispenses equal treatment to all citizens, administers business/industry for the greater good of job creation and a stronger economy, follows the Constitution, strengthens our nation against foreign/domestic enemies, etc are either naïve in the extreme, disingenuous, or liberals with their heads out of sight. Middle-class, working Americans ARE being abused today. We will not continue to stand for it.
Thank God for the 2nd Amendment and God bless America.

El Sellers
Fairfield, TX