Dear Editor,

To the Citizens of Fairfield

Thank you for the opportunity to serve your city for the past nine years. I met some fine people and families and have learned a lot about Fairfield. The support that I have received from many of you is indescribable. I most personally thank Mayor Pro-Tem, Joe Lee Kirgan, Jr.; Councilpersons present and past that include: Landis Bayless, David Steward, Jerry Don Sanders, Leldon Childs, Linda York, and the late Lane Stripling. Not only were they supportive but they understood the challenges and difficulty of the City Administrator position particularly in Fairfield. They have always been forthright and honest in all matters with the city and their word and integrity is solid. I must also thank Liz Thornton who was a great help to the city and to me. She is a good person and a fantastic professional in all ways. City Secretaries Jana Taylor and Debbie Nesbitt were very helpful and supportive of the position. Thanks to Opal Oliver, Chief Kenny Bulger, Dianne Manning, Crystal Rossiaky, Erin Harrup, and John and Beverly Awalt for their support during the past couple of weeks. I appreciate the hard working staff like Ronald Fantroy, Vic Rutherford, Ronald Corley, Shane Reves and Bubba Taylor. These guys are always in the trenches, getting dirty, sweating and working after hours for the citizens; they go the extra mile with smiles on their faces.

Working together, our accomplishments speak for themselves and will continue to benefit Fairfield for years to come; the list is long. Besides regular infrastructure projects, grants were obtained to help the Police Department, we built two families a home at no cost to them. We kept taxes and water rates low (never raised water rates while serving). Additionally, working with Brenda Pate and the Chamber of Commerce people enjoyed a lot of fun and free events on the square. Due to relationships with TxDOT Transportation, 18 million dollars will be spent in Fairfield to construct new exit ramps in the near future. There will be two new travel plazas in Fairfield, one is under construction and another one is in the planning stages.

In closing, I have always put service above self interest and tried to be the best steward for Fairfield that I could be (I served for 9 years, was on call 24-7 everyday, all holidays and weekends). I have been fair and always concerned about staff and my position even though unpopular decisions had to be made at times. A wise old man told me once that you do not do this job to win a popularity contest; that has always proven true.

I encourage you to get involved in your local government. Try not to believe the ill informed, hateful, slanderous few who mock local government. Their destruction is cancerous by nature and people of that type are only concerned about themselves, they circle around and prey on people like sharks and nothing wholesome or good is borne from them, they are never a part of the solution, their motivation is blind hate.

May the many good people of Fairfield stand up, be recognized, be blessed and prosper over the coming months and years. There will be some tough times financially as well as with leadership. For those in office, a huge learning curve is ahead.

My prayers are for those who worked so hard for Fairfield to be successful: the local business owners, the workers mentioned earlier, the Chamber of Commerce, Councilmen and women with honor, truth and integrity, the elderly, the children in Fairfield and those who protect us in law enforcement and fire services. Thanks once again for allowing me to serve for 9 years.

Jeff Looney, MPA