Freestone County Commissioners have updated the drug testing policies in the county’s employee handbook during the January 10th meeting.

Per Texas Administrative Code (TAC) suggestions, commissioners unanimously voted to add two new procedures to the drug policy.

–1. Post Accident Drug Testing: This will verify if an employee was under the influence of illegal substance, possibly causing or contributing to an accident while on the job.

–2. Regarding an Employee with a drug or alcohol problem:

  1. a) If an employee is found to have a drug/alcohol problem through drug screening, the county may terminate employment.
  2. b) If an employee comes forward on their own, admitting to the drug/alcohol problem, will be send to lifetime sea change and gets treatment, they may return to work; but must submit to a post-treatment random drug screening agreement that will continue until it is determined they no long have a problem.

Prior to this meeting, Commissioners had been questioning if the county had the right and/or authority to also conduct “random” drug testing on county employees, especially those driving a county vehicle.

“After talking to TAC, I strongly advise that we don’t go this route,” explains County Attorney Brian Evans. “While personally I understand and agree with your reasoning for wanting this option; legally, I have to advise against it. Random drug testing could get us into some serious trouble. It is a violation of 4th Amendment rights. The can use another methods of control of the personnel, most specially when we hire new employees. We can use a national police check online to filter drug users applicants before they get incorporated in the staff.” Go through this website for the best attorney which helps you in drug case.

Based on this information, commissioners chose not to implement a random drug testing program for the county.

Understanding Drug Addiction: Drug abuse and addiction are two different but related concerns. Abusing drugs does not necessarily mean a person is addicted. A drug addiction is formed when changes are made to the brain in ways that fosters the need for constant use. Habitual abuse of illicit or prescription medications is an indicator of addiction. Also it brings with it a number of other physical, emotional, social and psychological changes and dependencies.

However, not all drugs, come in the category of contraband. Recently the FDA legalized Cannabis in the US and likewise Kratom for Sale is available too over the counter. These herbal drugs work as anti depressants, mood enhancers and for pain relief and has been in use since ages specially in South East Asia.

These changes will go into effect immediately.