Big Brown plant in Fairfield, Texas has been purchased by Commercial Liability Partners, INC (CLP) along with some of the surrounding acreage from Luminant.

The purchase was made public Friday, January 24, 2020, and Fairfield was abuzz with talk about the purchase Tuesday, January 28, 2020 as our papers were being delivered.

CEO and President of CLP Ron Froh stated in a press release “We are excited to announce the acquisition of the two retired coal facilities in Mt. Pleasant and Fairfield and pleased to continue our partnership with Luminant. Today’s announcement is the first step in a multiyear process that will ultimately focus on redevelopment of the sites and the two communities.“

While it is still unknown what exactly it means for Fairfield, Texas, news does seem to be positive, so far.

A review of their website shows that, “CLP’s core business is the acquisition, management, and closure of large, heavy industrial sites, chemical plants, multi-site portfolios, and closed power plants.”

Green investment is a part of what CLP focuses on. Their project in Waterford, Ohio at the AEP Muskigum River Plant has plans that include their own-patented plan for a “unique sustainable wildlife preserve,” along with the high-tech industrial park.

Senior Vice President and Partner, Tony Zagora expressed how currently they, “Don’t have a ton to share,” and request for the community to patient with them.

Zagora explained that process does take a while, but CLP has a tendency to work with the leaders of the local communities to do what is best for the area.

One important thing to notice is that according to Park Superintendent Daniel Stuffer the company did not buy the land that Fairfield Lake State Park sits upon, or the lake itself.

As time progresses there should be more and more information becoming available and the “Times” will be there every step of the way.

For more information about CLP, visit online at