As the nation inches into springtime and people begin to plan their summer vacations, a Baylor University recreation expert encourages trip planners to make time for outdoor adventures.

Christopher Wynveen, Ph.D., associate professor of recreation and leisure services in Baylor University’s Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences, focuses his research on the human dimensions of natural resource management.

“Our country has some of the world’s best parks and forests,” Wynveen said. “Take time to visit a state or national park or forest this summer to get away from everyday stress, be active, and build memories with family and friends.”

He shared four tips to help people enjoy and experience the great outdoors this spring and summer.

1. Share an experience with family and friends

“Sharing experiences outdoors with family in friends is beneficial to each of the people individually, strengthens relationships between the individuals, and it even may help to protect the resource,” Wynveen said. “When recreating with others we are more active which has numerous health benefits to all involved. We also build trust and stronger relationships when we share experiences. And by recreating outdoors we share our values with family and friends about the importance of protecting the places we visit.

“When we have positive interactions with people in an outdoor setting, we assign meanings to that setting. In turn, the place becomes special to us and we tend to care for the place. When we care for a place we are more likely to want to protect it.

Therefore, spending time in natural resource places with people recreating tends to increase our desire to protect it for ourselves and future generations.”

Recommendation: Develop memories or establish a tradition to pass down by camping in a state park or visiting historical sites like the Texas State Railroad.

2. Appreciate the natural beauty of the world around you

“Many of us do not realize the natural beauty in our own backyards or at nearby parks and forests. Research has shown that just viewing natural landscapes has positive impacts on our physical and mental health. Spending time appreciating nature also helps us understand why it is important to invest in protecting landscapes and wildlife for our kids and grandkids to enjoy.”

Recommendation: See the desert flowers bloom in Big Bend National Park (early spring) or the bluebonnets in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site in Texas.

3. Visit a pristine environment and escape the everyday

“Going to a federal wilderness area or other natural area off the beaten path is a great way to unplug,” Wynveen said. “Visiting more remote natural areas allows you to have an excuse not to check your email, social media or get a call from work. Many people who take a short vacation in such places like the report that the break from the everyday helps them feel refreshed, more creative and more productive when returning to home and work.”

Recommendation: Escape to a wilderness area by visiting the Big Slough Wilderness or Indian Mounds Wilderness before the heat comes in the summer and you might want to check the beautiful landscapes in Bangkok, find all the information in and have a wonderful vacation.

4. See a unique resource and fulfill your curiosity

“Humans are naturally curious. People from around the world come to the United States to see our parks and forests because they hold some of the best examples of what natural, historical and cultural resources we have to offer,” Wynveen said. “Several of my students have developed career interests because of a visit to a park as a child. Bring your family and friends and spark their imagination at one of our national treasures.”

Recommendation: Visit places like the Waco Mammoth National Monument to see Columbian Mammoth fossils.