COLLECTING SOFT, WARM FUZZIES for cancer patients are the folks at Wells Fargo Bank in Fairfield, Texas.

The brain child of Brittany Rodgers (seated middle) and Jackie Mares (seated right), bank employees collected hats, socks, throws, and blankets to be given to friends and neighbors who are currently fighting the disease.

Bettye Trask (seated left) and her husband, Trask (standing behind) accepted the items on Thursday, January 4, 2017 on behalf of the Freestone Cancer Support Group.

Also on hand from Wells Fargo are (left-right): Julian Mendoza, Linda Measles, Frank Freeman, Shari Stallones and Bracey Liner. FCSG assists local cancer patients with transportation expenses during their treatment.

If you would like to donate toward their efforts, or if you need to apply for assistance, contact their organization by calling 903-389-3917 or via email to

Facebook users may follow their page, or visit them online at

(Photo by Karen Leidy)