by Barney Leach

April rainfall was 1.76 inches above normal at 5.06 inches. We had seven days with measurable rainfall with a greatest on-day total of 2.10 inches on April 2. Normal rainfall for April is 3.30 inches. Our total for the year stands at 18.31 inches. Normal through April is 14.61 inches.

April temperatures were somewhat like February and March temperatures with highs only in the seventies for a good part of the month. We only exceeded the 86 degree highs for February and March twice with a high of 87 degrees on April 20 and 92 degrees on April 28. Low temperature for the month was 42 degrees on April 6.



Month              Rainfall (inches)              Normal                  Departure
January            5.75                                    3.62                        +2.13
February          3.25                                   3.36                         -0.11
March              4.25                                    4.33                         -0.08
April                 5.06                                    3.30                         +1.76
Totals               18.31                                  14.61                        +3.70


LOOKING AHEAD TO MAY: May is normally our second wettest month of the year with a normal rainfall of 4.59 inches; and is also normally our stormiest month of the year. We will see warmer temperatures with several days in the nineties.

However, the National Weather Service forecast for May 1, 2017 is a low of 46 degrees and a high of only 74. May will start out feeling like we have backed up into late February.

The above rainfall and temperature data was recorded by Barney Leach, former volunteer co-op weather observer for the National Weather Service and former weather volunteer for Channel 8 in Dallas, Channel 10 in Waco, and radio station KNES in Fairfield.